Immigration to the Canary Islands: everything you need to know

Immigration to the Canary Islands Immigratsiya na Kanarskiye ostrova: vse, chto vam nuzhno znat' Kanarskiye ostrova - eto arkhipelag iz semi ostrovov v Atlanticheskom okeane, vkhodyashchikh v sostav Ispanii. Oni raspolozheny nedaleko ot poberezh'ya Afriki i yavlyayutsya populyarnym mestom dlya otdykha i immigratsii. Yest' mnogo prichin, po kotorym lyudi mogut zakhotet' immigrirovat' na Kanarskiye ostrova. Vot nekotoryye iz nikh: Klimat: Kanarskiye ostrova raspolozheny v subtropicheskom klimate, kotoryy kharakterizuyetsya teplym, solnechnym letom i myagkoy zimoy. Eto delayet ikh ideal'nym mestom dlya tekh, kto khochet zhit' v teplom klimate kruglyy god. Priroda: Kanarskiye ostrova sostoyat iz semi ostrovov, kazhdyy iz kotorykh imeyet svoy unikal'nyy landshaft i floru i faunu. Na ostrovakh mozhno nayti gustyye lesa, vulkanicheskiye landshafty, netronutyye plyazhi, a takzhe mnozhestvo drugikh prirodnykh dostoprimechatel'nostey. Naslazhdaytes' vechnoy vesenney atmosferoy kruglyy god. Poproshchaytes' s zimney khandroy i zdravstvuyte vechnym solntsem! Kul'tura: Kanarskiye ostrova imeyut bogatuyu istoriyu i kul'turu, kotoraya yavlyayetsya smes'yu ispanskikh, afrikanskikh i latinoamerikanskikh vliyaniy. Na ostrovakh mozhno nayti mnozhestvo istoricheskikh pamyatnikov, muzeyev i drugikh kul'turnykh dostoprimechatel'nostey. Kak immigrirovat' na Kanarskiye ostrova? Chtoby immigrirovat' na Kanarskiye ostrova, neobkhodimo poluchit' razresheniye na rabotu i prozhivaniye. Sushchestvuyet neskol'ko sposobov poluchit' razresheniye na rabotu, v tom chisle: Poisk rabotodatelya, kotoryy soglasitsya vas trudoustroit'. Otkrytiye sobstvennogo biznesa. Uchastiye v programme obmena rabochey siloy. Chtoby poluchit' razresheniye na prozhivaniye, neobkhodimo sootvetstvovat' opredelennym trebovaniyam, v tom chisle: Imet' deystvitel'nyy pasport ili drugoy dokument, udostoveryayushchiy lichnost'. Imet' meditsinskuyu strakhovku, pokryvayushchuyu raskhody na lecheniye na Kanarskikh ostrovakh. Imet' dostatochnyye sredstva dlya obespecheniya svoyego prozhivaniya na Kanarskikh ostrovakh. Dopolnitel'naya informatsiya Vot neskol'ko dopolnitel'nykh faktov ob immigratsii na Kanarskiye ostrova: Srednyaya stoimost' zhizni na Kanarskikh ostrovakh nizhe, chem v drugikh yevropeyskikh stranakh. Ofitsial'nyy yazyk na Kanarskikh ostrovakh - ispanskiy. Kanarskiye ostrova yavlyayutsya chast'yu Shengenskoy zony, chto oznachayet, chto grazhdane stran-chlenov Shengenskogo soglasheniya mogut svobodno v"yezzhat' i vyyezzhat' s ostrovov. Zaklyucheniye Immigratsiya na Kanarskiye ostrova mozhet byt' otlichnym variantom dlya tekh, kto ishchet teplyy klimat, krasivuyu prirodu i bogatuyu kul'turu. Odnako vazhno tshchatel'no izuchit' vse trebovaniya pered tem, kak prinyat' resheniye o pereyezde. Ещё ​ 2 535 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Immigration to the Canary Islands: everything you need to know

The Canary Islands are an archipelago of seven islands in the Atlantic Ocean that are part of Spain. They are located just off the coast of Africa and are a popular holiday and immigration destination.

There are many reasons why people might want to immigrate to the Canary Islands.

Here are some of them:

Climate: The Canary Islands enjoy a subtropical climate characterized by warm, sunny summers and mild winters. This makes them ideal for those who want to live in a warm climate all year round.

Nature: The Canary Islands are made up of seven islands, each with its own unique landscape and flora and fauna. The islands offer lush forests, volcanic landscapes, pristine beaches, and many other natural attractions.
Enjoy the eternal spring atmosphere all year round. Say goodbye to the winter blues and hello to the eternal sun!

Culture: The Canary Islands have a rich history and culture that is a mixture of Spanish, African and Latin American influences. The islands contain many historical monuments, museums and other cultural attractions.

How to immigrate to the Canary Islands?

To immigrate to the Canary Islands, you must obtain a work and residence permit. There are several ways to obtain a work permit, including:

Finding an employer who will agree to employ you.
Opening your own business.
Participation in the labor exchange program.
To obtain a residence permit, you must meet certain requirements, including:

Have a valid passport or other identification document.
Have health insurance that covers the costs of treatment in the Canary Islands.
Have sufficient funds to support your stay in the Canary Islands.
Additional Information

Here are some additional facts about immigration to the Canary Islands:

The average cost of living in the Canary Islands is lower than in other European countries.
The official language in the Canary Islands is Spanish.
The Canary Islands are part of the Schengen area, which means that citizens of Schengen countries can freely enter and exit the islands.


Immigrating to the Canary Islands can be a great option for those seeking a warm climate, beautiful nature and rich culture. However, it is important to carefully review all the requirements before deciding to move.

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