House Tenerife, as the owner of the website, undertakes to diligently process the personal data provided by its users, under the terms and conditions established for this in the Organic Law 3 / 2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons in with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE is repealed.
Access to the website implies acceptance of this privacy policy, which is considered valid from the moment of its publication and until its modification or update is mandatory to comply with the regulations to that effect.
The person responsible for the file is the owner and owner of the website, that is, Av. Adeje 300, n12, Ed. Club Paraiso, Local n16, 38678, Playa Paraiso, Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
The owner reserves the right to modify and / or update this privacy policy to adapt it to current regulations without prior notification being necessary.
The personal data provided by users will be treated and guarded according to what is established in the legal regulations for this purpose, thereby complying with the legal obligations directly applicable to the activity of the owner.
The owner will use said data, solely and exclusively, to manage in a safe, lawful manner and in accordance with the law, any request from users, clients and potential clients as well as to provide information about the products and services offered by the owner.
Regarding the actions and security programs necessary for the custody of personal data, the owner confirms through this privacy policy compliance with the security measures that, taking into account the state of the art, the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment are applicable.
The personal data provided by users will be kept in files created for this purpose during the period necessary for the presentation of the service for which they were collected or requested.
After this period, all data will be blocked and guarded in accordance with the law, being possible its transfer to Judges and Courts, State Security Forces and Bodies and other competent authorities or public bodies, when they are necessary for the exercise of their powers and when The owner, as the person responsible for the file, has the legal obligation to provide them.
Under no circumstances, the owner will communicate the personal data provided by users to third parties other than those indicated above.
In the event that the owner ceases his activity or that of the website, the personal data provided by users will be destroyed in the terms and deadlines indicated by current legislation.
Users who have provided personal data to the owner may exercise, at any time and without prejudice of any kind, their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition.
To exercise their right, the user must contact the person responsible for the file, by email to the address, stating his request and attaching a copy of their ID or equivalent identification document.
In the event that the user considers that his request has not been answered, he may submit the relevant claim to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, through its website
In the event that the user does not wish to receive information about the services provided by the owner, and in compliance with the provisions in this regard in article 21 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, he may request Cancellation of the service by sending an email to the address stating your request.
Users undertake to provide certain, exact and complete data and, if applicable, to update them in case they are modified for any reason, through the contact channels indicated above (that is, email to Info @
In the event that the user provides third-party data, he will also be responsible for the veracity of the same and for communicating the information in this privacy policy to the third party.